The idea of putting away some money each month, then a regular savings account could earn you a higher rate of interest.
It’s a good way to start building savings and get you into the saving habit. But you’ll need to be disciplined and commit to putting in a minimum amount each month.
This product is designed for Civil Servants in government establishments to offer savings and credit facilities. The size of the facility will be determined by 40% of the net salaries. Civil servants who have less than two years in service shall not be eligible to access the credit facility.
This product offers credit facilities to customers who have viable business and capacity to pay back. It is strictly for customer who deal on FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods).
The product is targeted at customers who deal on Fast Moving Consumer Goods with daily cash flow.
The Emaar Target account is a savings account explicitly planned for individuals to save towards a project or set goal e.g. children’s education, wedding, further studies, etc.
Enjoy a suitable way of saving and maximizing your investments whilst having flexible access to your account at any time.