
Business Xtra

For Customers with Daily Cash Flow

1. Obligor must be customer with a known and verifiable business engagement.
2. The loan shall be availed towards improving businesses in the community.
3. Request shall be limited to a maximum of N400,000.
4. The customer shall open a savings account with a non-refundable amount of N2,500

Note: The product is targeted at customers who deal on Fast Moving Consumer Goods with daily cash flow.

Beta Life (Payroll Lending)

The product is to give quick access loan facilities to Public Civil Servants/ Structured Organizations.

1. Obligor must be a Civil Servant in Government establishment/ Structured Organizations.
2. Obligor shall have at least two years left in service.
3. The loan shall be availed within 12 hours max.
4. Request shall be limited to a maximum of 40% of net salary.

Note: The product is targeted at customers who work in Government establishment/ Structured Organizations whose repayment from the source is guaranteed

Asset Acquisition

The Product is for customers who want to buy any Electronics 

1. Obligor must be customer with a known and verifiable engagement.
2. The loan shall be availed towards payment for product only.
3. Request shall be limited to a maximum of 70% of the cost of product.


The product is targeted at customers who work for organizations with high reputation and reliable track record as well as persons with existing businesses and cash flow.

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